Today we’re sharing how to make pom-poms!
Pompoms are the perfect addition to so many crafts! They’re super cute and can compliment any color scheme.
Of course you could buy a pom-pom maker, but there are so many ways to make pom-poms without this equipment.
The best part is it only takes a couple of items to make a ton of pompoms!
I’m including printable instructions for this project at the bottom of this post, but it’s really just the absolute basics meant to refresh your memory
You’ll want to read the whole post first to get all the important tips and tricks to get this project right the first time!
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What You’ll Need
Making yarn p0m-poms can be done several ways.
All of them require a couple of basic items, and each different method also requires its own type of tools.
Each method requires:
We’ll give you the rest of the supplies as we outline each method for how to make pom-poms.
This project is a great way to use up extra yarn from projects that didn’t need a whole skein.
It’s also an awesome project for teens or kids!!
How To Make Pom-Poms: The Methods
I’m going to share four different methods for how to make pom-poms, each using different tools.
Each method we’re outlining today makes a different size pom-pom.
Method #1: The Fork
Our first method for making pom-poms uses a tool we all should have on hand at home: a fork.
This method is great for making small pom-poms for use in your craft projects, and it’s so easy.
The small fork pom-poms usually turn out very uniform in size, so if you need to make a lot of small pom-poms, this method will get you there quickly.
How To Make Pom-Poms Using A Fork
- Start by wrapping the yarn around all the tines of the fork.
- Secure the end of the yarn in place by wrapping the length of the yarn on top of the end.
- Keep wrapping until you thing the fork is full enough for a dense pom-pom.
- Run another piece of yarn between the center tines, and wrap it around the middle of the loops of yarn.
- Tie the piece of yarn tightly, binding the loops around the fork together.
- Pull the whole thing off the fork.
- Cut the loops on both sides of where you tied them together.
- Trim the ends until you have an even pom-pom.
That should be all it takes to make one small pom-pom.
Making several of these smaller ones and attaching them to each other would make the cutest clouds for my rope rainbow wall hanging project!
Method #2: Your Hand
This method is super “handy.” (I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help myself.)
Literally all you need for this method is your non-dominant hand.
How To Make Pom-Poms On Your Hand
- On your non-dominant hand, place the end of the yarn between two of your fingers.
- Wrap the yarn around your fingers.
- Wrap until you have the desired amount of yarn.
- Carefully remove the loops from your hand.
- Tie a long strand of yarn tightly around the middle of the loops
- Cut the end of the loops to leave strands tied together.
- Trim your pom-pom into a ball shape.
This method can be a little tricky to do, since you have to be so careful not to mess up your loops when you remove them from your hand.
My teenage daughter has made hundreds of pom-poms using this method.
They usually end up being fairly medium sized. I guess it all depends on how big your hands are.
Method #3: A Homemade Form
Our second method for how to make pom-poms involves making your own cardboard form to create them on.
The only extra supply you need for this method is a piece of cardboard.
How To Make A Pom-pom With A Homemade Form
- Cut a rectangular piece of cardboard roughly the same width that you want your pom-poms to be.
- Make two cuts lengthwise down the middle of the cardboard, stopping at the center point so that one side is connected and the other side has two “prongs.”
- Loop the yarn around the prongs, leaving some space at the bottom of the prongs so you can still see a gap between the prongs.
- Wrap the yarn until you have the desired amount around the cardboard and trim the end.
- Thread a long piece of yarn through the gap at the bottom and tie it tightly around the bundle of yarn.
- Cut the loops along the edges of the cardboard on both sides.
- Remove the pom-pom from the cardboard form.
- Trim the ends until you have an even ball.
This method is really good if you need a very specific size pom pom for a project. You can adjust the size as needed when you create your form.
Method #4: Cardboard Tubes
This method uses old cardboard tubes to help create a loom of sorts.
You can use toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls or even wrapping paper rolls. As long as you have two cardboard tubes, this method will work.
How To Make Pom-Poms with Cardboard Tubes
- Place your cardboard tubes side by side.
- Start wrapping your yarn around the tubes.
- Wrap until you have the desired amount of yarn around the tubes.
- Cut a long piece of yarn.
- Work the long piece of yarn between the two tubes and tie it loosely around the yarn to bundle it together.
- Remove the cardboard tubes from the yarn bundle.
- Gently tighten the piece of yarn that is tied around the yarn bundle, and secure it with a knot.
- Trim your pom-pom to the desired size.
Learning how to make pom-poms couldn’t be easier.
Any one of these four methods will make a great looking pom-pom. You just need to decide which one works best for you.
Universal Tips for Making Pom-Poms
All of these methods are clearly demonstrated in the video attached to this post. Be sure to check it out if you are confused about any of the instructions.
No matter which method you use, there are a few things you need to know about how to make pom-poms that could make it a little easier for you.
For a dense, even pop-pom, use generous amounts of yarn. The more yarn, the tighter the pom pom will be.
If you plan to attach your pom-poms to something else, leave the strings you use to tie it off with very long. This will give you something to secure your pom-pom to your craft.
Take your time when trimming your pom-poms. Getting a nice even ball is key to a good looking pom-pom.
Crafts You Can Make With Pom-Poms
Pom-poms are great for crafting.
You see them in lots of knitting projects, but there’s also a lot of other great projects you could use them for.
Pom-poms make great additions to garlands for any season.
My daughter likes to attach them to each other and make soft balls to throw around.
You could attach them together to make a rug.
Pom-poms also make really cute and easy Christmas decorations.
The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.
Have you made any cool projects out of pom-poms? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
How To Make Pom-Poms

Learn how to make pom-poms with one of these four quick and easy methods!
- Yarn
- Optional:
- Cardboard
- Cardboard tubes
- A fork
- Sharp scissors
How To Make Pom-Poms Using A Fork
- Start by wrapping the yarn around all the tines of the fork.
- Secure the end of the yarn in place by wrapping the length of the yarn on top of the end.
- Keep wrapping until you thing the fork is full enough for a dense pom-pom.
- Run another piece of yarn between the center tines, and wrap it around the middle of the loops of yarn.
- Tie the piece of yarn tightly, binding the loops around the fork together.
- Pull the whole thing off the fork.
- Cut the loops on both sides of where you tied them together.
- Trim the ends until you have an even pom-pom.
How To Make Pom-Poms On Your Hand
- On your non-dominant hand, place the end of the yarn between two of your fingers.
- Wrap the yarn around your fingers.
- Wrap until you have the desired amount of yarn.
- Carefully remove the loops from your hand.
- Tie a long strand of yarn tightly around the middle of the loops
- Cut the end of the loops to leave strands tied together.
- Trim your pom-pom into a ball shape.
How To Make A Pom-pom With A Homemade Form
- Cut a rectangular piece of cardboard roughly the same width that you want your pom-poms to be.
- Make two cuts lengthwise down the middle of the cardboard, stopping at the center point so that one side is connected and the other side has two "prongs."
- Loop the yarn around the prongs, leaving some space at the bottom of the prongs so you can still see a gap between the prongs.
- Wrap the yarn until you have the desired amount around the cardboard and trim the end.
- Thread a long piece of yarn through the gap at the bottom and tie it tightly around the bundle of yarn.
- Cut the loops along the edges of the cardboard on both sides.
- Remove the pom-pom from the cardboard form.
- Trim the ends until you have an even ball.
How To Make Pom-Poms with Cardboard Tubes
- Place your cardboard tubes side by side.
- Start wrapping your yarn around the tubes.
- Wrap until you have the desired amount of yarn around the tubes.
- Cut a long piece of yarn.
- Work the long piece of yarn between the two tubes and tie it loosely around the yarn to bundle it together.
- Remove the cardboard tubes from the yarn bundle.
- Gently tighten the piece of yarn that is tied around the yarn bundle, and secure it with a knot.
- Trim your pom-pom to the desired size.
How To Make Pom-Poms